At The Office Chair Shop we like to try and meet the needs of all requirements of your office. As you already know we have a huge range of quality swivel chairs , executive chairs and reception furniture to name a few, but did you know that in addition these we also sell desks. workstations, storage and even replica plants?
Having the correct desk is just as important as having the correct chair, we have many different designs and models to suit your needs and there are workstations of different sizes and styles to meet the needs of just about any office going!
Storage and space is always an issue in the office. To cater for this we have filing cabinets / systems, metal storage units, lockers and a selection of plug adaptors (plug sockets are also often at a premium).
Creating a tranquil and aesthetically pleasing environment is also important, to help with this we have a large range of realistic replica plants for you to choose from. These are stunningly lifelike and mean that you can have all the tranquility and calm associated with nature without having to spend time watering and caring for them (to us there is nothing more off putting than a half dead or shrivelled up plant on someones desk - it is only a quick job to water and prune your plants but they so often get overlooked in your average busy office environment). These plants are also ideal for your reception area, create the right impression with your customers when they first walk in to your building (seeing a well cared for and healthy looking plant will give a good first impression - don't worry we won't tell on you!).
Of course, if there is anything you need for your office that you cannot find on our site you can always email or phone in. We have a large number of quality manufacturers working with us and if they make it we can sell it!
See you soon!